Activity Budgeting of Rhesus Monkey (Macaca mulatta, Zimmerman 1780) Along Altitudinal Gradient in Nepal


  • Ram Chandra Adhikari Department of Zoology, Raiganj University, West Bengal, India
  • Kaushik Chakraborty Department of Zoology, Raiganj University, West Bengal, India



Dhankuta, Foraging, Seasons


The activity budgets of Rhesus monkey vary depending on altitude, topography, climate, food resource, vegetation and other factors. This study was done to compare the activity budget of Rhesus monkey along the altitudinal gradient of Eastern Nepal from 93 meters to 1250 meters above from sea level for a year from May 2022 to April 2023. We followed scan sampling method to record the behavioural activities. We found there was no relation between the altitude of habitat and composition of population of monkey (df= 8, χ2= 0.318, p<0.05). Foraging and moving were found increasing with increase of altitude but grooming was decreasing. The time spent by monkey for different activities was strongly related to changing seasons in habitats of different altitude. There was powerfully built relation of activities with the altitude of habitat on the annual analysis (df = 14, F = 140.73, p value= 9.57E-09). The time budgeting was strongly related with the part of diurnal time Plain (r =0.33), Churia (r = 0.75) and Mahabharat (r= 0.95). The places for foraging, moving, grooming, inactive and fighting were varied in different altitude. Our study gives crucial information for the sustainable management of this species.


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How to Cite

Adhikari, R. C., & Chakraborty, K. (2024). Activity Budgeting of Rhesus Monkey (Macaca mulatta, Zimmerman 1780) Along Altitudinal Gradient in Nepal. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 50(2), 323–334.