Impact of Coal Fly Ash on Freshwater Fishes and the Ecosystem
Coal fly ash, Adverse impact, Tissue damage, Oxidative stressAbstract
Coal fly ash (CFA) is a powdery solid waste byproduct of thermal coal power industries. CFA is hazardous to the environment, ecosystem and human health because of its contents such as various oxides and metals. The improper dumping of CFA is a leading environmental concern. It can disperse into the environment and water bodies. The management of fly ash is a major environmental challenge worldwide. The leaching of metals in aquatic systems is leads to bioaccumulation, induction of oxidative stress, tissue damage, and alteration in blood biochemistry has been emphasized in the fishes. Excess accumulation of fly ash in the water ecosystem significantly affects organisms by altering the physical properties of ecosystem, physiological biomechanisms, toxicity stress, and health issues. Consumption of contaminated foods results in the bioaccumulation and biotransformation of hazardous elements in the food chain that threaten to aquatic biodiversity. Therefore, the present review aims to overview and highlight the toxicological impact of fly ash pollution on aquatic ecosystems and fish health. In addition, it is helpful to understand the level of toxicity and assess its effect on the environment.
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