Rainfall Trend Analysis of the Northern slopes of the Meghalaya Plateau: A Case Study of Ri Bhoi District
Climate change, Trend analysis, Rainfall, Mann-kendall test, Sen’s Slope estimate, Ri Bhoi DistrictAbstract
Ri Bhoi district, located on the northern slopes of the Meghalaya plateau, has a complex climate ranging from pleasant summers and cold winters in the Highland zone closer to the Shillong plateau to hot and humid summers and cool winters in the Lowland zone, which merges with the Brahmaputra plains. Climate change, which is a reality at present, adversely impacts the marginalised section more, especially those in the developing economies who depend on the vagaries of the climatic elements, and their crop production depends on the success or failure of seasonal rains. The present work attempts to analyse the rainfall trend on an average monthly, seasonal, and annual basis for the last 20 years for the Ri Bhoi district. The techniques followed for this analysis are the Mann-Kendall test at a 95% confidence level and Sen's slope estimate. The findings suggest an erratic rainfall pattern in the highland and lowland zones of Ri Bhoi district that could impacts agriculture and agro-based livelihoods.
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