Variation of Soil Organic Carbon in Different Plantations in Mizoram
SOC stock, soil health, soil nutrients, monoculture plantationAbstract
Plantations are important in reducing logging on natural forests, carbon sequestration and restoration of degraded lands. Soil organic carbon is an important indicator of soil fertility, quality and productivity. A study was conducted in various plantations to assess the soil organic carbon status along with other soil parameters in Mizoram. The SOC stock was found to decrease with the soil depth except in oil palm plantation. The other soil parameters were also seen to decrease along with the soil profile. Teak was found to have the highest SOC stock at 39.03±5.3 Mg C ha-1 while areca nut plantation has the lowest at 28.91±0.67 Mg C ha-1. Proper management of land use can be beneficial for both economy as well as carbon storage in a more sustainable way.
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