Exploring Factors Influencing the Internal Displacement Decisions Amidst Natural Disasters in Bangladesh


  • Md Moniruzzaman Muzib Department of Economics, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, 605014, India
  • Sivasankar Vedi Department of Economics, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, 605014, India.
  • Sharmin Akhter Liza Department of Political Science, Brindaban Government College, Habiganj, 3300, Bangladesh




Natural disaster, Vulnerability, Decision making factors, Internal displacement


Bangladesh, a densely populated country in the world’s largest coastal delta, is seriously threatened by the ongoing onslaught of major natural disasters brought on by climate change. The main perpetrators, cyclonic storms and floods cause millions of displaced people each year and increase the vulnerability of communities already facing devastation from the environment and poverty due to these disasters. This study explores the complex patterns of internal displacement brought on by cyclonic storms and floods in Bangladesh from 2008 to 2022. The study identifies the patterns, trends, vulnerable districts, and influencing factors of displacement by analysing data from multiple sources. Every year, an average of 6.14 million people are displaced by floods, a persistent problem. Gaibandha is the district most at risk, having seen 13 floods in the previous 15 years. Throughout the study period, Bhola experienced eight strikes from cyclonic storms that decimated the southern coast. These natural disasters force people to move from environmentally susceptible to safe areas. The disaster’s intensity or frequency and some economic, social, and political factors influence this decision to displace. The study also identifies factors that influence displacement decisions after catastrophic disasters. Additionally, it emphasises the importance of understanding displacement patterns and influencing factors to make informed decisions about displacement in such situations.


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How to Cite

Muzib, M. M., Vedi, S., & Liza, S. A. (2024). Exploring Factors Influencing the Internal Displacement Decisions Amidst Natural Disasters in Bangladesh. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. https://doi.org/10.55863/ijees.2024.0291


