Spatio-Temporal Changes in Forest Cover and Forest Fragmentation in the Northern Western Ghats




Forest fragmentation, Spatio-temporatl analysis, Geospatial techniques, Ecological corridors, Biodiversity conservation, Western Ghats


The Western Ghats of India is rich in variety of flora and fauna and specially known for its endemism. The growing urbanization, expansion of agriculture and other anthropogenic interferences results in forest fragmentation and degradation of habitat. Spatio-temporal changes in forest cover and the variation in forest fragmentation in the Anjaneri, Panchgani, and Kas Plateau regions of the Western Ghats for the years between 1989 and 2015 were assessed. Thematic maps of the area were generated using multitemporal satellite images and geospatial techniques for the years of 1989, 1999, 2006, and 2015. Substantial decline in area under forest cover of the study area occurred during this period. Deforestation at Panchagani in comparison is higher than that at Aanjaneri and Kas. The causes of decline in area under forest are increasing area under agriculture, expansion of plantation agriculture, increasing built-up area and tourism infrastructure development. The forest fragmentation analysis revealed increase in the number of forest patches and decrease in patch size over the period. Rapid landscape transformation at the outer edges of the forest regions effects more habitat fragmentation and loss within the core forest area. The Anjaneri, Panchgani and Kas Plateau regions are ecologically and culturally significant. There is an urgent need of forest conservation measures and sustainable land-use planning which includes control of deforestation, promoting reforestation efforts, and improving landscape connectivity by establishing ecological corridors. The study also recommends policies based on principle of judicious balance in development activities with consideration preservation and restoration of the natural environment to preserving the environmental stability of this biodiversity hotspot region.


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How to Cite

Badhe, Y. P., Jaybhaye, R. G., Turkar, K. L., & Kale, P. K. (2023). Spatio-Temporal Changes in Forest Cover and Forest Fragmentation in the Northern Western Ghats. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 50(1), 147–155.