Assessment of Testate Amoeba (Protozoa) assemblage in Bibhutibhushan Wildlife Sanctuary, West Bengal


  • Aradhana Chaudhary University of Calcutta
  • Jasmine Purushothaman ZSI



Alluvial soil, Bibhutibhusan Wildlife Sanctuary, Teastate amoeba, Assemblage


In this study we assessed the assemblage of the testate amoeba in the fresh water sample collected from the Bibhutibhushan Wildlife Sanctuary, West Bengal, India during January 2023. Twenty three species belonging to 10 Genera, 6 Families, and 2 orders are recorded from this sanctuary where 57 percent belongs to Phylum Tubulinea and rest 43 percentage belongs to Phylum Cercozoa. This evergreen forest showed a significant diversity and serves as a repository for many testaceans which indicates the fertile quotient of alluvial soil found in this region.


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How to Cite

Chaudhary, A., & Purushothaman, J. (2023). Assessment of Testate Amoeba (Protozoa) assemblage in Bibhutibhushan Wildlife Sanctuary, West Bengal. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 50(1), 107–112.