Evaluation of Water Quality Parameters and Zooplankton Community during Pre- and Post-Covid Phases at Chandravalli Lake, Chitradurga District, Karnataka, India
Chandravalli Lake, Correlation, CCA, PCA, ZooplanktonAbstract
The present work deals with variations in physico-chemical parameters and zooplankton community during pre- and post-covid phases at Chandravalli Lake, a pre-historic water body located in Chitradurga district, Karnataka, India. Eighteen water quality parameters were analysed and zooplankton community diversity were studied during the two phases. A total of forty three zooplanktons were recorded during the study. Cladocera was the dominating group during both pre- and post-covid periods. Tropocyclops prasinus belonging to Copepoda was the most abundant species in this water body. Ostracods were recorded only when the water was turbid and the TDS was also high at pre-covid phase. After the lockdown period the water was clear and the Ostracods almost vanished. The Principal Component Analysis, CCA and correlation studies indicate the variations of biotic and abiotic factors during pre- and post-covid phases. The presence of eutrophic indicators in the water body suggests for regular monitoring to conserve the water body from further degradation
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