Plankton Diversity of the River Kulik at Uttar Dinajpur District of West Bengal, India
Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, River Kulik, Pollution, ConservationAbstract
Plankton Diversity of the river Kulik at Uttar Dinajpur District of West Bengal, India was studied from November
2019 to October 2021. A total of 43 phytoplankton species were recorded during the present study. Out of which,
Chlorophyceae was the most dominant group with 17 species followed by, Bacillariophyceae with 12 species,
Cyanophyceae with 7 species and 2 species belonged to Chryssophyceae, Dinophyceae and Euglenophyceae, 1
species belonged to Charraphyceae. Highest phytoplankton density was recorded during monsoon season of the
first year from Site 4 (14640/mL) and the lowest density was found during winter season of first year from Site
1 (3440/mL). The species like Amphora sp., Cymbella sp., Diatoma sp., Fragillaria sp., Nitzchia sp., Rhizosoclenia
sp., Chara sp., Ankistrodesmus sp., Dinobryan sp., Anabaena sp., Merismopoda sp., Microcysctis sp., Nostoc
sp., Phormidium sp., Spirulina sp., Ceratium sp. and Phacus sp. were found throughout the study period. The
presence of species like Melosira sp., Closterium sp., Pandorina sp., Ankistrodesmus sp., Navicula sp., Nitzchia
sp., Chlorella sp., Oscillatoria sp. and Euglena sp. supports the higher organic pollution of the river Kulik. The
highest organic pollution on the basis of Palmer’s Pollution Index was recorded in case Site 3 (17) in the summer
season of the first year and Site 4 in the summer season of the second year and the lowest was recorded in case
of Site 5 (3) in the summer season of the first year and at Site 1 and Site 3 in monsoon season of the first year. A
total of 53 species of zooplankton of five major groups were identified from the surface water samples of Kulik
river during the whole study period. Among them Cladocera was the most dominant group with 24 species
followed by, Rotifera with 17 species, Copepoda with 6 species, Rhizopoda with 4 species and Ostracoda with
2 species. Rotifera group was the most dominant group of zooplankton. Species like Chydorus barrosi, Chydorus
sphaericus, Moina sp., Diaphanoso maexcium, Mesocyclops sp., Brachionus sp., Lecane sp., Testudinella sp.
were found throughout the study period. The zooplankton density varied from 9600/m3 to 17260/m3 during the
whole study period. The lowest density recorded from Site 1 (690/m3) during monsoon of the first year and the
highest density was recorded from Site 4 (4490/m3) during winter of the first-year study period. The presence of
species like Bosmina longirostris, Daphnia sp., Moina sp., Sida sp., Cypris sp., Keratella sp. and Lecane sp.
supports the higher organic pollution of the river Kulik.
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