Identification and Ecological Study of Algal Species in the Polluted Stretch of Bharalu River, Guwahati, Assam, India


  • Minakshi Bora Department of Environmental Science, Gauhati University, 781014, Assam, India



Water pollution, water quality, anthropogenic pressure, pollution tolerant, Phytoplankton, Bioremediation


Guwahati city, the gateway of the Northeastern India has been facing major environmental threats due to various anthropogenic pressures, thus making the city prone to water hazard especially in the form of water pollution and flash floods. The Bharalu river, flowing through the Guwahati city is notoriously known for its critically polluted water quality as reported by the Central Pollution Control Board. Although the river is highly polluted, still a few organisms including microbes, such as algae are found to thrive in it. The purpose of the present research is to study and identify the pollution tolerant algal species present in the polluted water of Bharalu river, so that their bioremediation potential can be explored subsequently. During the study, altogether 33 species of phytoplankton distributed in four different families were recorded. Chlorophyceae has been represented by 20 species followed by Bacillariophyceae, Cyanophyceae and Euglenaceae with 8, 3 and 2 species, respectively. Scenedesmus was the most dominant genera with a total of 11 species. Phytoplankton peaks were observed during Jan- Feb (19×103 units/l).


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How to Cite

Bora, M. (2024). Identification and Ecological Study of Algal Species in the Polluted Stretch of Bharalu River, Guwahati, Assam, India. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences.


