Sal-dominated Forests Influence the Floristic Composition, Diversity and Distribution Pattern with Special Focus on the Associated Trees in the Eastern Ghats of Odisha
Moist tropical forest, sal forest, Eastern GhatsAbstract
The present study investigates the influence of Sal-dominated forests on the floristic composition, diversity and distribution pattern, and population structure of associated trees in a part of Eastern Ghats. Two forest communities viz., Sal-dominated Moist Deciduous Forest (SDMDF) and Moist Deciduous Forest without Sal (MDFWS) were selected for the study. Both these forests had sandy loam and acidic soil, though organic carbon was relatively higher (0.61%) in SDMDF than MDFWS (0.22%). While the SDMDF had 77 species (28 trees, 24 shrubs and 25 herbs) belonging to 51 families and 67 genera, the MDFWS had 111 species (44 trees, 22 shrubs and 45 herbs) belonging to 64 families and 104 genera. While Dipterocarpaceae was the dominant family in SDMDF, Combretaceae was dominant family in MDFWS. Both forest types showed an inverse J-shaped population structure indicating regenerating population. Phyllanthus emblica in SDMDF and Pterospermum xylocarpum and Schrebera swieteioides in MDFWS showed no regeneration. The results suggest that MDFWS maintain higher species diversity and ecosystem vitality than the SDMDF.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Madhab Chandra Behera, Uttam Sahoo, Tanmay Lalitendu Mohanty, Saswat Nayak

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