Distribution and Habitat Preference of Tanaids (Peracarida – Crustacea) in the Kadalundi Estuary on the Southwest Coast of India


  • Suhana S.N PG and Research Department of Zoology, Farook College (Autonomous), Affiliated to University of Calicut, Kozhikode, 673632, Kerala, India
  • Habeebrehman Hameed PG and Research Department of Zoology, Farook College (Autonomous), Affiliated to University of Calicut, Kozhikode, 673632, Kerala, India




     In this study, we investigated the distribution and abundance of macrobenthos, particularly tanaids, in the Kadalundi Estuary, southwest coast of India, across three seasons. Tanaids were found to be the dominant macrobenthic group, with a strong preference for clayey mangrove habitats. The study highlights the vital role of mangroves in supporting macrobenthic communities and emphasizes the importance of conserving these habitats. Litterfall was identified as a crucial factor in nutrient cycling within the mangrove ecosystem. Sandbar formation near the estuary mouth poses a significant threat to mangrove ecosystems and associated fauna. This research contributes valuable insights for informed conservation strategies and ecosystem management.

Key words: Macrobenthos, mangrove, litterfall, sandbar, conservation, ecosystem

Author Biography

Habeebrehman Hameed, PG and Research Department of Zoology, Farook College (Autonomous), Affiliated to University of Calicut, Kozhikode, 673632, Kerala, India

Assistant Professor and Research Guide in the Research and PG Department of Zoology


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How to Cite

S.N, S., & Hameed, H. (2024). Distribution and Habitat Preference of Tanaids (Peracarida – Crustacea) in the Kadalundi Estuary on the Southwest Coast of India. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 50(3), 341–348. https://doi.org/10.55863/ijees.2024.0012