Carbon Dynamics in Meghalaya: Modelling Current Stock and Future Sequestration Potential
Carbon stock, ecosystem services, soil organic carbon, InVEST carbon model, carbon sequestration, LULCAbstract
Soil organic carbon is the carbon contained within soil organic matter (2–10% soil mass) and has important physical, chemical and biological functions. Organic carbon influences many soil characteristics including colour, nutrient holding capacity, nutrient turnover and stability, which in turn influences water relations, aeration, workability and carbon sequestration. This study evaluates the soil organic carbon dynamics at 3 depths (0-15, 15-30 and 30-45 cm) from different land use types that were assessed for their physico-chemical properties. The main outcome of the study was the generation of soil organic carbon models of the present carbon stock in the soil as well as the sequestration potential using InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs) carbon storage and sequestration model. InVEST is an open-source software with a suite of free models used in mapping the value of ecosystem services. InVEST enables decision makers to quantify tradeoffs associated with alternative management choices and to identify areas where investments can enhance human development and ecosystem conservation.
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