Habitat Quality Characterization and Management of Asan Wetland Biodiversity


  • Sarnam Singh Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Indian Space Research Organisation, Dehradun, 248001, India
  • Rajashree Naik Department of Chemistry, Vellore Institute of Technology-Andhra Pradesh (VIT-AP) University, Amaravati, 522237, India
  • Archana Bahuguna Zoological Survey of India, Dehradun 248 001, India
  • Anil Kumar Zoological Survey of India, Dehradun, 248 001, India
  • Narender Sharma Zoological Survey of India, APRC, Itanagar, 791111, India




Reservoir, Hemi-marsh, water quality, food-web, remote sensing, GIS, Land cover/Land use, adaptive management


The present study is an attempt to characterize the significance of different micro-habitats in the context of habitat quality, complex food-web within and surrounding environs of the Asan Conservation reserve wetland in outer Himalayan tract. The unceasing nutrient-rich water flow supports vegetation growth and the occurrence of biological elements at different trophic levels of the food chain supply. A mix of swamp-marsh, shallow and deep water, floating, and terrestrial vegetation make it a good environmental setup to meet various life-cycle needs of the migratory and resident birds. Four dominant biotic groups: primary producers and consumers at different trophic levels such as butterflies, amphibians, and birds were studied. We used two-season IRS LISS IV satellite data of 2016 for characterizing the micro-habitat of the wetland. The analyses of water quality for pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, and total soil organic content indicates that these are within permissible limits for the survival of larvae, prey, and predators species to complete their lifecycle. The unique ecological setup formed by the permanent source of flowing and stagnant water, natural and semi-natural vegetation, the mosaic of tree-grassland-marsh-swamp land, seasonal crops, prey species, etc. and the presence of peripheral vegetation are some of the ecological niceties and reasons for attracting a large number of migratory birds. Habitat used by birds, amphibians, and butterflies in the core wetland and adjacent ecosystems were characterized. We recommend adaptive scientific management for maintaining ‘Hemi marsh’ in the ratio of 60:40 between the water and vegetation, controlling water pollution and eutrophication, and fixing of dredging policy after thorough studies on the soil benthic fauna before and after desilting.

Author Biography

Rajashree Naik, Department of Chemistry, Vellore Institute of Technology-Andhra Pradesh (VIT-AP) University, Amaravati, 522237, India

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Vellore Institute of Technology-Andhra Pradesh (VIT-AP) University, Amaravati, 522237, India 


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How to Cite

Singh, S., Naik, R., Bahuguna, A., Kumar, A., & Sharma, N. (2024). Habitat Quality Characterization and Management of Asan Wetland Biodiversity. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 50(4), 557–575. https://doi.org/10.55863/ijees.2024.0098