Exploring the Influence of Biophilic Workplace Design on Employee Creativity: A Comparative Study


  • Sandra Suresh Central University of South Bihar, SH-7, Gaya Panchanpur Road, Village Karhara, Fatehpur, 824236, Bihar, India
  • Dharmendra Kumar Singh Central University of South Bihar, SH-7, Gaya Panchanpur Road, Village Karhara, Fatehpur, 824236, Bihar, India
  • Narsingh Kumar University of Allahabad, Senate House, University Road, Old Katra, Prayagraj, 211002, Uttar Pradesh, India




Employee creativity, Biophilia, Nature-inspired Design, Sustainable Designs, Built Environment, Creative Working Space


This research delves into the influence of office spaces infused with biophilic elements on the creativity of employees, examining differences across various biophilic indices. The study follows a correlational and comparative research design and data were collected from 222 employees including 152 workers from organisations with low biophilic index and 70 workers from organisations with high biophilic index following purposive sampling method. Biophilia Index has shown a significant positive correlation and a strong predictive value for creativity of employees and considerably higher correlation is found in environment factor of creativity. The t-test results indicate that employee creativity and its dimensions are comparatively higher in the group with high biophilic index than the group with low biophilic index. These findings emphasize the significance of integrating nature-inspired design features in workplaces to augment creativity, particularly focusing on the environmental facets of the work place setting.


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How to Cite

Suresh, S., Singh, D. K. S., & Kumar, N. (2024). Exploring the Influence of Biophilic Workplace Design on Employee Creativity: A Comparative Study. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 50(4), 611–615. https://doi.org/10.55863/ijees.2024.0166