Comparative Assessment of Nutrient Mobilisation and Heavy Metal Indices in Chronosequence of Manganese Mine Spoil


  • Samapika Dash School of Biotechnology Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, 768001, Odisha, India
  • Monty Kujur School of Biotechnology Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, 768001, Odisha, India



chronosequence manganese mines spoil, Reclamation, vegetation, cation exchange capacity


Mine tailings are generated during mineral extraction that greatly influence soil properties and provide a least opportunity for vegetation. In current study, accumulation of available nutrients and their effect on concentration of heavy metals were assessed from a chronosequence of manganese mine spoil (MBO0, MBO2, MBO4, MBO6, MBO8, MBO10) and compared it with native forest soil. In mine spoil, required level of nutrients were less than those in native forest soil. Heavy metal content was found to be high in fresh overburden spoil as compared to native forest soil. Fresh overburden mine spoil id acidic in nature due to high accumulation of Mn and Fe metals. However, in course of time, the acidic nature of mine spoil turns into basic due to the improvement in the soil physic-chemical characters. In chronosequence overburden spoil shows increasing trend in soil organic carbon, electrical conductivity and cation exchange capacity leading towards rapid reclamation.

Author Biography

Samapika Dash, School of Biotechnology Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, 768001, Odisha, India

School of Biotechnology,

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur

Amruta Vihar, 768004


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How to Cite

Dash, S., & Kujur, M. (2024). Comparative Assessment of Nutrient Mobilisation and Heavy Metal Indices in Chronosequence of Manganese Mine Spoil. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 50(4), 601–609.